Studies of Fauna
Flightless Birds by Aaron Godlaski (brush and India ink)
Streamless by Aaron Godlaski (brush and India ink)
Aaron Godlaski is an educator, Psychologist, and amateur artist. At this moment, Aaron is attempting to rest somewhere within a fuzzy cloud of ecology, contemplative mysticism, and action. His teaching and research focus on the interdependence and healing connection between humans and the more than human world. As a therapist, his goal is to assist clients in the construction/reconstruction of a meaningful life in the face of the many challenges presented by existence. Aaron reconnected with his artistic practice in 2019 while living within the community of Trappist monks at Spencer Abbey in western Massachusetts. Aaron approaches art as an intersubjective practice of memory formation. A way of chronicling interactions shared with other beings during a time of drastic ecological change. His work often represents impressionistic moments or eulogies of past or future loss. Aaron uses Instagram like his mother’s refrigerator @solastalgiac, or you can visit his professional website: Aaron lives and works in central Kentucky with his wife, and an expanding garden and community of houseplants.
(c) 2021 Aaron Godlaski